Louisburgh Co. Mayo



Special Education at Sancta Maria

Our main objective for helping students with learning difficulties is to narrow the gap between the students' potential and his/her actual achievement. The key is to diagnose these difficulties early on so that your son/daughter can use his/her strengths to work on any weaknesses. Here in Sancta Maria College we have a dedicated Special Educational Needs team, trained in facilitating high achievers and those with learning needs. We work alongside special services including the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) and the National Council for Special Education (NCSE).

We cater for students with learning needs, both the advanced learner and the learner with difficulties, in so far as we can. We have a wide range of resources and methodologies to help students reach their full potential. Approaches used are of an eclectic nature, as we place value on and embrace the different learning styles we meet. We strive to maintain a physical school environment accessible to all.




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Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh
Tel: 098 66342 Fax: 098 66570 Email: