Mission Statement:
Sancta Maria College is a voluntary Catholic secondary school under the trusteeship of CEIST whose core values are inclusive of the Mercy philosophy of education.
We welcome, care for and support all within the school community through the promotion of
- Respect
- Being just & responsible
- Quality teaching and learning
- An inclusive community
- Life-long learning
Mercy Philosophy of Education
Inspired by the vision of Catherine McAuley, Mercy Education is committed to holistic development and to the achievement of the full potential of each student, particularly those who are disadvantaged or marginalized.
It is a process informed and influenced by the teaching and example of Jesus Christ and is conducted in an atmosphere of care, respect and joy.
CEIST is committed to on-going whole-school development in collaboration and partnership with the Board of Management, staff, parents and the wider community.
Operating Context
A Board of Management operates Sancta Maria College within the following guidelines:
In the context of, and within the parameters of Department of Education and Skills [D.E.S.] regulations and programmes;
Within the rights of the Trustees as set out in the Education Act;
Following the Religious and Educational Philosophy of the Sisters of Mercy;
Within the funding and resources available.
Basic Principles
This policy is a school-wide policy, for implementation by all staff, students, parents and Board of Management. It has been developed in consultation with the Board of Management, parents, staff and students.
The school feels that it is not necessary or appropriate for junior cycle and transition year students to have a mobile phone during the school day. If a junior cycle or Transition year needs to contact a parent, this can be facilitated by the school secretary, class tutor, year head, etc. Senior cycle students are allowed, in a learning context, to use their phones where appropriate. Use in these cases is with reference to school rules as outlined in this policy, and the ICT policy.
This policy was devised to respond to updated technology regarding mobile phones and personal devices. The following policy aims to maintain a safe, nurturing environment where the personal dignity and rights of all the members of the school community are preserved.
The school aims to provide a happy, safe and stimulating learning environment for all
The purpose of this policy is to:
• Ensure that mobile phone usage does not disrupt this learning environment
• Ensure that courtesy, respect and consideration to others are paramount at all times
• Clarify the responsibilities of students and staff with regard to mobile phones
5th and 6th year students may take mobile phones to school provided they observe the following conditions:
a) The school can accept no responsibility for mobile phones. Mobile phones are brought to
school entirely at the owner’s risk. The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or
damaged mobile phones.
b) The phone must be switched off and kept in the student’s locker during the school day.
Mobile phone use is not permitted during or between classes. Parents/guardians may arrange to contact students through the office.
c) A student, who wishes to go home for any reason during the school day, must arrange to do
so through their timetabled subject teacher and the Secretary/Deputy Principal/Principal and not independently by mobile phone. This ensures that correct procedures for leaving school before the ending of classes for that day are observed. Responsibility cannot be taken by the school authorities for students who arrange independently to go home without following proper procedure. Any such arrangement is a breach of the Code of Behaviour. Parents/Guardians may arrange to contact students through the office (098) 66342. We ask parents/guardians to co-operate and support this policy by not contacting students by mobile phone during the school day.
If a student is found to be using a mobile phone on the school premises then;
The phone and sim card will be confiscated and placed in the Secretary’s office. The subject teacher will sign and date the record sheet in the office.
The phone will be returned to the senior student at the end of the next school day
If the phone is confiscated on a Friday then the parent/Guardian can sign it out at 3.35pm on that Friday evening. Otherwise it will be held until 3.35pm on Monday evening.
Failure to hand up the phone and/or sim card to the subject teacher will result in a more severe sanction eg; phone kept for 48 hours.
More severe sanctions will also apply for repeat offenders. The phone may be confiscated for 48 hours or more and may only be released to a parent/guardian.
The phone will be kept an extra 48 hours for each additional offence.
Junior cycle/transition year students: the phone will be returned only to a parent/guardian at the end of the next day and a formal detention will be given.
Using a mobile phone or personal device for the unauthorised recording of images or sounds is in direct breach of Sancta Maria College’s Acceptable Usage Policy and /or Anti-Bullying Policy. Using phones in such a way can seriously infringe on people’s rights and appropriate sanctions will be imposed.
In accordance with legislation* in this area, it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone to menace, harass or offend another person. As such, any party involved may consider it appropriate to involve the Gardai in such incidents.
School tours: it will be at the discretion of the tour organiser whether mobile phones/personal devices may be brought on tours.
Sanctions will be applied in accordance with legislation listed below.
Legislation in relation to mobile usage
Date Protection (Amendment) Act 2003 Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998
Interception Act 1993 Video Recording Act 1989
The Data Protection Act 1988
Review Procedures:
The Board of Management in consultation with the school partners, will, review this policy from time to time or as the need arises.
This code was ratified by the Board of Management on 10-12-1018 It was proposed by Mr A Durkan and seconded by Mr J O’Toole. This code will be reviewed and revised in the light of changing circumstances, if such changes occur.