We would like to see each student at Sancta Maria College happy, comfortable and safe in our school. No one has the right to make anyone else in the school unhappy. In order to avoid any possible situation leading to intimidation, we wish to ensure that each student is aware of: What bullying is;
1.) What bullying is:
2.) What he/she should do if he/she becomes aware that himself/herself or others are being bullied;
3.) How we in the school will react to protect him should a situation of
bullying arise.
‘Bullying is repeated aggression, verbal, psychological or physical conducted by an individual or group against others.
Isolated incidents of aggressive behaviour, which should not be condoned, can scarcely be described as bullying. However, when the behaviour is systematic and ongoing, it is bullying’.
Types of Bullying:
- Physical aggression.
- Damage to property, (e.g. to clothing, school books, bicycle, locker etc.)
- Extortion, (e.g. loss of lunch money or property).
- Intimidation (e.g. aggressive body language).
- Abusive telephone calls or text messages.
- Isolation (e.g. exclusion from groups, being ignored etc.)
- Name calling/slagging.
Group Bullying:
More than one person engaged in bullying another. Normally this ‘group’ would have a ‘ring leader’ who would direct or encourage others. Isolation and counselling of this ‘ring leader’ is the normal solution to this type of bullying.
One to One Bullying:
One person bullying another person.
Guidelines on what to do in a situation of bullying:
- If you feel you are being bullied or you aware of someone else being bullied pass on the information to your parents or to someone in the school.
- Don’t be afraid to pass on information even if you think the situation might not be serious enough – we will treat what you say seriously.
- Don’t be ashamed of being afraid – bullying can be very frightening.
- If you don’t want to be seen talking to a teacher ask your parents to phone us.
- Don’t cover up the facts – we cannot help if we don’t know.
- Don’t worry that adult involvement will make matters worse. We have a lot of experience and we will always proceed very carefully. We will always let you know what we are going to do in order to sort out a situation.