Louisburgh Co. Mayo



Policy on Book Loan Scheme



Sancta Maria College is a voluntary secondary under the trusteeship of CEIST whose core values are inclusive of the Mercy philosophy of education.

We welcome, care for and support all within the school community through the promotion of

  • Respect
  • Being just and responsible
  • Quality teaching and learning
  • An inclusive community
  • Long-life learning

Sancta Maria College provides a Book Loan scheme for junior cycle students. The purpose of the loan scheme is to spread the cost of text books evenly over three years. Also it is designed to make the cost of books less of a burden on needy families.  

A needy pupil is defined as a pupil from a family where there is genuine hardship because of unemployment; prolonged illness of a parent; large family size with inadequate means; single parenthood or other family circumstances (such as substance abuse), which would indicate a similar degree of financial hardship.

These families are divided into three categories:

  • Families, which are dependent mainly on social welfare payments;
  • Families on low incomes from employment – such families are likely to be in receipt of family Income Supplement, which is a weekly cash payment by the Department of Social and Family Affairs to help families at work on low pay, or to be beneficiaries of the Back-to-School Clothing and Footwear Scheme.
  • Families which are experiencing financial hardship because of particular circumstances in the home.


Entitlement to a medical card is not necessarily an indicator of eligibility.

The school provides the scheme at two levels.

Level one for “Needy Families” which requires proof of this need in the form of documentation from social welfare or equivalent is charged at €300 spread evenly over the three years.

Level two is open to any junior cycle students and is charged at €400. This is charged at the rate of €200 in year 1,€150 in year two and €50 in year three. 
A pupil who transfers to Sancta Maria after commencement of the school year is ineligible.

To participate in the scheme families apply  at Enrolment.   The category (level) being applied under must be stated and supporting documentation must be supplied with the application form.
Successful applicants for the book loan scheme will be notified before 15th August and books will be distributed to students on their commencement/return to  school .

Books supplied on the loan scheme are the property of Sancta Maria College and must be returned in good condition. Lost or damaged books must be paid for and books will be inspected from time to time to check condition.

A €20 deposit will be charged on joining the scheme which will be refunded when books are returned to the school at the end of third year.


Review procedures

This code was reviewed by the Board of Management on………….. and will be revised in the light of changing circumstances, if required. 







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Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh
Tel: 098 66342 Fax: 098 66570 Email: